Mental Health First Aid

Mental health first aid is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem, or who is in a mental health crisis (e.g., the person is suicidal or has had a traumatic experience). Like physical first aid, mental health first aid is given until the person receives professional help or until the crisis resolves.

MHFA Accredited Instructors

Mental health first aid strategies are taught in evidence-based training courses authored by Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Australia and delivered by accredited MHFA Instructors across the country. We offer Standard MHFA courses as authored by MHFA Australia, delivered by Instructors who are currently accredited by MHFA Australia.

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Training & Resilience

Mental Health First Aid, Resilience & Wellbeing Physical: Mental, Social & Financial,  Psychosocial Risk Assessment training, Leadership Coaching

Auditing & Certification to ISO Standards & ESG Risks

ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 45003, ISO 22000, ISO 22301,  ISO 22301, and ESG, Supply Chain, Water Stewardship Risk Assessments and Action Plans

Consulting & Transformational Change

Integrated Mental Health, Psychosocial, GRC & Productivity Strategies: Startup, Acquisition, Turnaround, Merger, Downsizing, Divestment or Closure